A well-known actress who earned enduring fame through her roles as a mischievous maid, Aline Aubier is finishing her life wrapped in comfortable but tedious boredom under the supervision of her loving but authoritative daughter.
One day, Cléo, a lost kitten appears and for a short while she revives in Aline the shimmer of a life filled with joy and fantasy. This moment of happiness brought by Cléo will, for Aline, be the final spark of life before the collapse of her body and mind.
With this profoundly realistic and starkly simple story, Henri Troyat gives us one of his most touching books.
About Henri Troyat
After Henri Troyat's death in March 2007, Editions Flammarion published Boris Godounov. Editions de Fallois then published Le Pas du Juge and La Folie des Anges; the latter of which will be in bookstores soon. Moreover, the unedited Neuf Mères d’Écrivains Russe will be published for the first time in Russian. Editions de Fallois will publish two additional unedited works of Henri Troyat in the near future.
On November 12th, the writer Jean-Christophe Rufin, currently the French Ambassador in Senegal, was received by the Académie Française to take the vacant seat of Henri Troyat.